The Legist, LLC


The Legist, LLC

Legal Research & Paralegal Service

“Ignorance of the law is no excuse.”

About Us

We are not lawyers. We do not give legal advice to non-lawyers. We do not represent you in any capacity in any judicial or administrative venue. What we are: paralegals. What we do is provide you with the information you need to be successful in whatever sort of proceeding you are dealing with.

       Jeffrey has thirty years of experience in the legal arena. His specialty is criminal defense and post-conviction remedy, but he has extensive experience in civil and family law as well. Most importantly, he is a research specialist who can drill down and compile the relevant information on every legal subject there is in no time at all. What would take the average person weeks to research, he can do in just a few hours. 

      Click on the button above  to go to our registration page. There, you will sign up to use our site, verify that you understand the terms and conditions, and get  qualified to obtain the information you need assistance with.


People Assisted


Happy Clients


Regional Offices


Referral Attorneys

How The Legal Research Works

      First you have to register with the site. This includes verifying that you understand that we are not lawyers and that we don’t give you legal advice or represent you in any capacity. Then you go to the query submission page where you enter the information we require to get you the information you desire. We may have to contact you to clarify exactly what it is you are trying to get information on, but once we are certain about your goals, we get to work doing the research for you. Once we have compiled a digital file full of relevant information (statutes, regulations, case authorities, etc.) we will let you know how many man-hours were spent compiling the information and how much you must pay to receive the digital file of material. You pay that fee through our online portal and we send your digital file to you. It’s that simple.


First, know what it is that you are looking for. It is important that you know the legal query you need information on . if necessary, we will contact you to help clarify exactly what you are seeking.


When you submit your query, fill in all the boxes so we know exactly where to focus our research. Every jurisdiciton has different laws. Be specific about city, county, state or federal, etc. Time is money, and we bill for all our time, even time spent clarifying your request.

Pay and Receive

Once we have compiled your information into a digital file, we will notifiy you the amount of time spent on your request and the amount you must pay to receive the information. You simply go to our pay portal, pay the fee, and we transfer your information to you via a digital file

How The Paralegal Service Works

    The Paralegal Service is for licensed attorneys only. We serve those 1 & 2 attorney firms that could benefit from the expertise of a seasoned paralegal and not have to pay to have one on staff full-time. The attorney registers with The Legist, LLC, and contacts us anytime they need our service. We bill the law firm for the hours worked so they can pass that cost on to their client. 

Our Practice Areas

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How The Legal Research Works

      First you have to register with the site. This includes verifying that you understand that we are not lawyers and that we don’t give you legal advice or represent you in any capacity. Then you go to the query submission page where you enter the information we require to get you the information you desire. We may have to contact you to clarify exactly what it is you are trying to get information on, but once we are certain about your goals, we get to work doing the research for you. Once we have compiled a digital file full of relevant information (statutes, regulations, case authorities, etc.) we will let you know how many man-hours were spent compiling the information and how much you must pay to receive the digital file of material. You pay that fee through our online portal and we send your digital file to you. It’s that simple.


First, know what it is that you are looking for. It is important that you know the legal query you need information on . if necessary, we will contact you to help clarify exactly what you are seeking.


When you submit your query, fill in all the boxes so we know exactly where to focus our research. Every jurisdiciton has different laws. Be specific about city, county, state or federal, etc. Time is money, and we bill for all our time, even time spent clarifying your request.

Pay and Receive

Once we have compiled your information into a digital file, we will notifiy you the amount of time spent on your request and the amount you must pay to receive the information. You simply go to our pay portal, pay the fee, and we transfer your information to you via a digital file

Criminal Defense

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Child Custody

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Child Support

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Spousal Support

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International Matters

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Family Law Appeals

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Wealth Protection

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High Net-worth Services

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Office Locations
6235 W. Kellogg Drive
Wichita, KS 67209

What Our Clients Say

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam.
John Doe
Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam.
Jessica Smith
Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam.
Steve Rogers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.